Saturday, August 25, 2018

I thought his would be a great first post for this blog: The following is an assessment that I created as part of my coaching education. It is intended for parents of teenegers, please share it with anyone who may benefit. Request a printer friendly word document by emailing

Parent/Child Relationship Health Check

Find out how healthy your relationship is with your child and the key areas to focus on in order to improve it.

Below are 20 statements that are based upon an ideal, picture perfect parent/child relationship. These statements are designed based on healthy relationship research and the psychology of good communication skills. After completing this health check you will have a better idea of where your relationship stands as well as possible aspects to focus on during your coaching sessions.

There is no perfect relationship and if you get a perfect score it is very likely you are not being completely honest with yourself. All relationships take time and effort from both parties involved and simply taking the time to complete this assessment will raise your awareness of where your relationship stands at this exact moment. Coaching is the ideal method for improving parent and child relationships because it focuses on what you are experiencing in the present and how to move towards a stronger more effective future relationship.

Please complete all of the statements. Rate each item on a scale of 1-5. Please choose the number that best represents your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Choose how true each statement is for you at this very moment.

1                             2                             3                             4                             5
Less True                                                                                             More True
Statement                                                               Response
1.      I am 100% confident I am spending enough time with my child.

2.      I keep my commitments to my child every time.

3.      I never assume I know what my child is going through.

4.      I always allow my child to have space when they need it.

5.      I am always aware of when my child’s mood changes.

6.      I am never sarcastic or mean to my child.

7.      I always use positive language when I talk to my child.

8.      I answer every question my child asks honestly.

9.      My child knows that they can be honest with me.

10.  I never feel rushed while spending time with my child

11.  I always explain the reasons for my punishments.

12.  I always know the right questions to ask my child.

13.  Every time that I spend with my child is quality time.

14.  I never force my child to talk.

15.  I always let my child finish expressing their thoughts.

16.  I know all of the things that are important to my child.

17.  I know everyone that my child is friends with.

18.  I always have an open door policy with my child.

19.  My conversations with my child always end on a positive note.

20.  I always let my anger subside before punishing my child.

Total Score:

Score Interpretations

Total Score 95-100:
Either your relationship is in pristine health or you are not being perfectly honest with your answers. You are encouraged to retake the assessment, this time being meticulous and even critical of yourself when necessary.

Total Score: 70-94.
Your relationship with your child is in good health, but there is always room for improvement. Coaching may be beneficial for your relationship with your child or you may want to apply the coaching sessions to another aspect of your life in which you wish to see more personal growth. No parent is perfect, keep up the good work and always make time for your child when they need you.

Total Score: 45-69
Your relationship with your child is in fair health. You know what you should be doing the question is: how? Coaching is a powerful process that has the potential to greatly benefit your relationship with your child. Your coach will break down your relationship goals into simple weekly action steps. As long as you bring commitment and determination to your sessions you will surely notice improvement in your relationships and your life in general.

Total Score: 0-44
There is no way around it; your relationship with your child needs work. If you find it extremely difficult to have any conversation with your child and are consistently met with resistance, family therapy might be the best first step before coaching. You are not alone; there are many other parents in similar situations. If you are still intent on beginning a coaching agreement discuss it with your coach and you will decide together if that is the best choice.

Disclaimer: This assessment is not intended to provide a psychological or psychiatric diagnosis and your completion of the test does not indicate a professional counseling or coaching relationship with the creator or administrator of the test.

Assessment Developed by: Dylan Dillinger Life Coach
All Rights Reserved.